File Management & Organization

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SKU: 35
An overview of electronic file management and information retrieval. Topics include designing and creating an effective folder and sub folder structures for file management; search options for file retrieval; file paths; common file extensions and associations; identifying and using common drive types including internal, portable, and networked; opening/saving files with non-default software; making a file read-only; saving files from the web; ARMA filing rules; file organization best practices. Time commitment: 14 hours.
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File Management & Organization

An overview of electronic file management and information retrieval. Topics include designing and creating effective folder and sub-folder structures for file management; search options for file retrieval; file paths; common file extensions and associations; identifying and using common drive types including internal, portable, and networked; opening/saving files with non-default software; making a file read only; saving files from the web; ARMA filing rules; file organization best practices.




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