Bookkeeping I

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SKU: 8

Learn how to keep the books for your small business or employment. Practice recording daily transactions and experience the entire accounting cycle as this course walks through a hands-on case study of an actual sample company. Up-to-date materials and practical exercises guide you through typical bookkeeping practices--all the way from the concepts of the accounting equation and the balance sheet, through debits/credits and double entry bookkeeping, to profit and loss statements and closing the books at year end.

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Bookkeeping I

Learn how to keep the books for your small business or employment. Practice recording daily transactions and experience the entire accounting cycle as this course walks through a hands-on case study of an actual sample company. Up-to-date materials and practical exercises guide you through typical bookkeeping practices--all the way from the concepts of the accounting equation and the balance sheet, through debits/credits and double entry bookkeeping, to profit and loss statements and closing the books at year end.




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